
Florabest FMR 600 ® compatible cable connector wire repair connection clamp robotic lawnmower | waterproof | original 3M

Item number V3M-V-5x314-Flo
RRP EUR 9.00
EUR 6.98 *
Content 1 bag
Unit price EUR 6.98 / bag
Ready for shipping, delivery in 48h
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The Original cable connectors (waterproof) by 3M ® - No Stripping is required!
in a practical resealable bag (Packed Genisys ®)
, Only the Original 3M ® connector with gel filling to guarantee a durable and weather-resistant connection of the wire
for all the
flora best ® robotic mower models: FMR 600 A1, ...
For the repair and extension of the boundary loop, connection of the search cable (depending on model)

for your robotic lawn Mowers sold.
The cable connector and terminals are 100% compatible with the original accessories.

The blue cable connector (314 3M®) are weather-resistant and therefore ideal for Outdoor use.
Most of the NoName replicas do not have sufficient gel filling, and can no longer work after a few weeks.
For 2 wires (repair/ extension of the Perimeter wire) or 3 wires (connection to the search of cable with the boundary loop).

Ka Stripping of the cable is necessary (proven U-contact principle) - easy with a pair of pliers squeeze

the Maximum outer diameter of the cable (with insulation): 3.94 mm

Only positive experiences, because for several years in the Outdoor use

, We also carry the matching cable and the fixing hook (as a Set)

The Original cable connectors (waterproof) by 3M ® - No Stripping is required!
in a practical resealable bag (Packed Genisys ®)
, Only the Original 3M ® connector with gel filling to guarantee a durable and weather-resistant connection of the wire
for all the
flora best ® robotic mower models: FMR 600 A1, ...
For the repair and extension of the boundary loop, connection of the search cable (depending on model)

for your robotic lawn Mowers sold.
The cable connector and terminals are 100% compatible with the original accessories.

The blue cable connector (314 3M®) are weather-resistant and therefore ideal for Outdoor use.
Most of the NoName replicas do not have sufficient gel filling, and can no longer work after a few weeks.
For 2 wires (repair/ extension of the Perimeter wire) or 3 wires (connection to the search of cable with the boundary loop).

Ka Stripping of the cable is necessary (proven U-contact principle) - easy with a pair of pliers squeeze

the Maximum outer diameter of the cable (with insulation): 3.94 mm

Only positive experiences, because for several years in the Outdoor use

, We also carry the matching cable and the fixing hook (as a Set)

Item ID 38716
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model V3M-V-5x314-Flo
Manufacturer Genisys
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 bag
Weight 51 g
Net weight 20 g
Dimensions 80×70×16 mm
Genisys GmbH & Co. KG
Sulzbacher Str. 7
92256 Hahnbach Germany
Sulzbacher Str. 7
92256 Hahnbach